Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ok, so these are some of the photos I took for my first photography assignment.My sister Bonnie helped me collage them. (Seriously she can figure anything out!) This assignment was to shoot shapes , color , texture, etc anything that interested you.
These are just some of the photos I threw in quick to see how they look together.


Tracee Breeze said...

I guess I threw in two of the same photos in that collage. I guess I shouldn't select photos and talk on the phone at the same time!

Bonnie said...

Stellar work Tracee! The photos look awesome!

Tracee Breeze said...

Thanks Bonnie! I appreciate your help so much. You are awsome you have no idea how much your ability to figure this technical stuff helps!

Love Ya Sis!

Katie said...

They look great!! Between you and Nicole I will have to request a collage for me....?! How are you liking the class?